RIC Event: Enrollee Advisory Committees Through a Health Equity Lens
Event Start Date: March 14, 2024 - 2:30 PM EDT
Event End Date: March 14, 2024 - 3:30 PM EDT



Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) Enrollee Advisory Committees (EACs) are tasked with working to improve access to covered services, coordination of services, and health equity for underserved populations under the 2023 Medicare Advantage and Part D Final Rule. An effective EAC tackles ways to improve health equity and address social determinants of health (SDOH) to improve health outcomes for dually eligible individuals enrolled in the plan. This conversation explores promising practices for health plans serving dually eligible individuals (e.g., D-SNPs, Medicare-Medicaid Plans (MMPs)) interested in implementing EACs that promote health equity among enrollees. Our speaker shares information about how such health plans can leverage EACs to integrate person-centered approaches and enhance dual eligible enrollees’ care coordination experience. In addition, our speaker explores strategies rooted in health equity promotion that plans can use to engage EACs. These strategies can help EACs inform plan development of intentional interventions that encourage equitable care and supports for all enrollees.

By the end of this conversation, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the role that EACs can play to address social determinants of health and improve health equity for health plan enrollees.
  2. Implement EAC operations that take into consideration the cultural and linguistic preferences of council members.  
  3. Understand the impact that EACs have on implementing effective care coordination strategies through a health equity approach.
  4. Recognize opportunities to leverage EAC-informed and person-centered approaches to improve health plan care coordination for dually eligible individuals. 
  5. Encourage health plan leadership and staff to actively participate in the development and implementation of EACs.

Featured Speaker:

Pam Burnett, MBA, PMP, CSM, CSSGB, Senior Manager, Health Equity and Quality at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois

Intended Audience:

This conversation is intended for D-SNPs, MMPs, and any other plan or provider organization wishing to better incorporate health equity into enrollee governance practices.


Webinar Slides

Webinar Transcript