National Council On Disability Call On Health Equity Framework For People With Disabilities

Event Start Date: February 23, 2022 - 2:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: February 23, 2022 - 2:00 PM EDT

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The National Council on Disability (NCD) invites disability community stakeholders to join a conversation about NCD’s recently released Health Equity Framework, which is a blueprint for policymakers to address systemic barriers and health disparities to achieve health equity for people with disabilities.

    Andrés Gallegos, Chairman, NCD
    Rick Rader, MD, Council Member, NCD
    Lisa Iezzoni, MD, Harvard School of Medicine
    Neil Romano, Council Member, NCD
    Moderated by: Jim Brett, Vice Chair, NCD

In February 2021, NCD Chairman, Andrés Gallegos, published his Vision and Priority Statement declaring his commitment to address the decades of neglect experienced by people with disabilities in healthcare due to systemic and pervasive barriers. In a culmination of meetings, outreach, and consultation with a multi-disciplinary team of advisors (academics, medical professionals, and others who have dedicated their lives to addressing the health disparities of people with disabilities), a year later, NCD released its Health Equity Framework, offering a roadmap for policymakers in Congress and the Administration. 

NCD began research on health disparities of people with disabilities as far back as 2009, and the body of substantiating evidence has only burgeoned since that time. The pandemic has shone a light on these disparities and the lack of a cohesive federal response to date. As a federal government, NCD believes we are more than amply equipped with the evidentiary base to act, which is what NCD is advising the Administration and Congress to do. 

Accommodations: CART and ASL interpreters will be provided. If other accommodations are required, please notify Anthony Simpson as soon as possible at

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