Meaningful Consumer Engagement: Training the Consumer

Event Start Date: July 30, 2014 - 6:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: July 30, 2014 - 7:00 PM EDT

You can view the webinar recording below. Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, speaker bios, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below.

This third webinar continues to explore Consumer Engagement Strategies. In this webinar, William Dean (Moderator) from Community Catalyst leads a discussion in which Erin McGaffigan, PhD, MSW, MS, an expert in consumer engagement and training, presents on the approaches, tools and training content needed as consumers join their health care delivery system’s consumer advisory committee. In addition, Althea McLuckie, a consumer with extensive experience participating on an advisory committee, shares personal insights into the training and operating guidelines used to support and empower its consumer advisors.

The following resources have been included for your convenience:

  1. Webinar Presentation
  2. Transcript
  3. Speaker Biography
  4. Webinar Q&A
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