Supporting Participants with Complex Behavioral Health Needs

Event Start Date: March 14, 2018 - 6:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: March 14, 2018 - 7:00 PM EDT

Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below.


This webinar is available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes.

This webinar provides a background on the needs of adults with disabilities with complex or co-occurring behavioral health needs. These challenges range from highly variable to severe mental health issues, commonly co-occurring with substance use disorders or other functional limitations. The presentation includes an introduction to the population and their experiences with mental illness, a summary of treatment options, and recovery and resilience. By understanding the participant perspective, providers can learn to deliver participant-centered care and empower participants to engage in their care experience. This webinar examines the innovative approach the Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA) health plan developed to address the needs of its population. CCA partnered with a local community provider to create a structured living setting as an alternative to institutionalization. This is just one example of a flexible approach to care aimed at improving the accessibility, quality, and care experience for participants and providers.

Featured Speakers:

  • Chris Duff, Disability Practice and Policy Consultant
  • Sue Abderholder, Executive Director, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Minnesota
  • Lauren Easton, Senior Director, Behavioral Health, Commonwealth Care Alliance

Intended Audience:

This series is intended for providers and health care professionals, front-line staff with health plans and provider practices, and other stakeholders interested in improving their ability to meet the needs of adults with functional limitations.


Topic Areas: