RIC Event: Geriatric-Competent Care: Introduction to Geriatric-Competent Care

Event Start Date: August 20, 2014 - 4:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: August 20, 2014 - 5:15 PM EDT

This first webinar presents universal competencies that are fundamental to quality geriatrics care, across disciplines and care settings. These include: understanding what is unique about the health and care of older adults; prevention, diagnosis, and management of geriatric syndromes (e.g., incontinence, falls, gait and balance disorders, dementia); care transitions; medication management; maintaining older adults’ function and well-being; working with older adults and families to set care goals; coordinating care with an interdisciplinary team; and providing social services and supports.

The following resources have been included for your convenience:

  1. Webinar Presentation
  2. Speaker Biographies
  3. Webinar Q&A
  4. Webinar Transcript
  5. Brief – Geriatric-Competent Care: Introduction to Geriatric-Competent Care
Topic Areas: