Care Management & Care Coordination

RIC Event: Peer-led Interventions to Activate Self-Management for Behavioral and Physical Health

Description: Peer-led interventions can increase activation for self-management of chronic physical and behavioral health conditions. This webinar explores promising evidence from a chronic disease self-management program adapted for peer intervention for people with serious mental illness (SMI). Essential themes include


RIC Event: How Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Can Help Family Caregivers

You can view the webinar recording below. Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below. Podcast: This webinar is also available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes. Description: Family


Hypertension and Serious Mental Illness: A Tip Sheet for Navigators

This tip sheet assists navigation staff in supporting clients with serious mental illness (SMI) in their management of hypertension and augments a navigator’s understanding of the standards of care for hypertension amongst the SMI population. Additionally, this tip sheet encourages


RIC Event: Building a Person-Centered Culture of Care: Shared and Supported Decision-Making and Goal-Driven Care Description: What are the hallmarks of person-centered care? How can health plans and providers respect the needs, values, and preferences of beneficiaries dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid while providing high-quality, seamless care? How can providers and patients work
