Navigation Services

RIC Event: Providing Navigation Services to Clients with Serious Mental Illness and Chronic Physical Health Conditions Podcast: This webinar is also available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes.  The second webinar in this two-part series focuses on how behavioral health organizations and providers can provide navigation services to their clients with serious mental illness (SMI) and common chronic


RIC Event: Assessing Organizational Ability To Support Client Self-Management Podcast: This webinar is also available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes. Description: Providing self-management support (SMS) is a key activity for health care providers seeking to deliver integrated, high quality health care. For many providers, supporting self-management involves a paradigm shift


Hypertension and Serious Mental Illness: A Tip Sheet for Navigators

This tip sheet assists navigation staff in supporting clients with serious mental illness (SMI) in their management of hypertension and augments a navigator’s understanding of the standards of care for hypertension amongst the SMI population. Additionally, this tip sheet encourages
