Older Adults

Spotlight on the Wisconsin STAR Method: Care Wisconsin’s Approach to Person-Centered Assessment and Care Management for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries

Click here to Access the Spotlight on the Wisconsin STAR Method This spotlight describes a person-centered care management approach called the Wisconsin STAR Method, a simple process that supports care team members in visually mapping out the numerous interacting factors (e.g.,


RIC Event: Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) as they Age

https://youtu.be/0Toe11HubS8?si=y2A3WwIqvuRfrWgS Podcast: This webinar is also available as a podcast on SoundCloud and iTunes. Description: Nationally, the number of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) over the age of 60 is steadily increasing and by 2030, the number of adults with I/DD


Understanding and Responding to Behavioral Symptoms among Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (2016)

Supporting documents, such as webinar slides, are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below. Podcast: This webinar is available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes. Live Webinar Air Date: Thursday August 4, 2016 12:00 to 1:30pm ET Description: This webinar presents
