Person & Family Engagement

RIC Event: Building a Person-Centered Culture of Care: Shared and Supported Decision-Making and Goal-Driven Care Description: What are the hallmarks of person-centered care? How can health plans and providers respect the needs, values, and preferences of beneficiaries dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid while providing high-quality, seamless care? How can providers and patients work


RIC Event: Applying Promising Practices to Advance Care of Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees with Dementia Podcast: This webinar is also available as podcasts on SoundCloud and iTunes. Description: The care of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias presents unique challenges to all settings of the health care delivery system. This webinar emphasizes: Presentation of the


Disability-Competent Care

A model of care designed to treat the whole person, beyond a diagnosis or condition. The DCC Model Disability-competent care (DCC) is an aspirational, participant-centered model that focuses on the eventual goal of supporting individuals to achieve maximum function. The


Domain 5: Caregiving

Caregivers provide physical, emotional, and often financial support to the individual requiring assistance due to illness, injury, disability, or frailness. Informal caregiving is vital to consumers remaining in the least restrictive setting. The geriatric population often has an increased need
