Physical Disability & Care Coordination

RIC Event: Interdisciplinary Team Building, Management, and Communication Description: This webinar explores the value of the interdisciplinary team (IDT) in supporting and empowering participants with disabilities. A strong IDT is necessary for providing care coordination that keeps the participant’s experience and concerns at the forefront of care


RIC Event: The Care Management Relationship Description: This webinar explores the importance of establishing the relationship between each participant and the interdisciplinary care team.  Our presenters discuss the application of person-centered care planning in care coordination, and use a first-person story to demonstrate delivering disability-competent


RIC Event: Building Partnerships between Health Care (Plans & Providers) and Community-based Organizations

You can view the webinar recording below. Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, speaker bios, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below. Description:  This is the seventh webinar in the Disability-Competent
