
SAGE: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) Webinar

Register here for this webinar. Join the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging, one of the ACL-funded national Minority Aging Technical Assistance and Resource Centers, for their webinar, “Planning to Action: Highlights from LGBTQ+ Inclusive Area Agencies on Aging.”Participants

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NADRC: Insights from Alabama’s PANDA Project Webinar

Register here for the webinar. Join the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) for “Sharing the Care for Families Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementias: Alabama’s PANDA Project.” The PANDA Project (Providing Alzheimer’s N’ Dementia Assistance) was piloted

Topic Areas:

NCEA Webinar: Reframing Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care

Register for the webinar here. The ACL-funded National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) is charged with improving the national response to elder abuse and has worked with the FrameWorks Institute on reframing this social justice issue.The National Academies of Sciences,

Topic Areas: