Together, the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) partner agencies are hosting a webinar series to increase local, state, and federal coordination on enhancing accessible, efficient transportation options.
The first webinar will be on Thursday, February 13. The webinar will be hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and l include an overview of HHS-funded transportation programs and opportunities for collaboration.
Visit the CCAM website to learn about additional webinars in this series. Each webinar will highlight the programs of a different agency. CCAM will also post completed webinar presentations on their website.
About CCAM
Transportation enables mobility by connecting individuals to jobs, healthcare, and services, opening doors to opportunity. Despite its significance, millions of Americans lack access to reliable transportation due to disability, income, or age. Agencies across the federal government administer 130 federal programs that may fund transportation services for people with disabilities, older adults, and individuals of low income. However, these transportation services can be costly and fragmented due to lack of interagency collaboration. CCAM is an interagency partnership established in 2004 by Executive Order 13330 to coordinate the efforts of the federal agencies that fund transportation services for targeted populations.