NADRC Webinar: Road Map: State and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia
Event Start Date: December 18, 2018 - 7:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: December 18, 2018 - 8:00 PM EDT

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The 2018-2023 Road Map is informed by four Essential Services of Public Health:

  1. Assure a competent workforce
  2. Monitor and evaluate
  3. Develop policies and mobilize partnerships
  4. Educate and empower the nation

Action within each of these four domains is guided by three core principles: to ensure health equity, to facilitate collaboration across multiple sectors, and to leverage resources for sustained impact.

In this webinar, Dr. Lisa McGuire will describe the newly released Road Map, and Susan Engels will describe how Washington designed and is implementing a successful program aligned with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Healthy Brain Initiative. 

About the Presenters

  • Dr. Lisa McGuire is the Lead of the CDC’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program, which houses the congressionally-appropriated Healthy Brain Initiative.  She joined CDC in 2004 and has published over 100 articles and book chapters on aspects of cognition, disability, caregiving, and aging.
  • Susan Englels’ social service career started in the field with the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Bellingham, WA working as a Senior Information & Assistance Specialist and then as an AAA Case Manager serving In-home Medicaid LTSS recipients.  She has been with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services in the Aging and Long Term Support Administration HQ for the past 16 years.
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