NCUIH Webinar: Vax Chat 2024: Lessons Learned in Vaccine Equity

Event Start Date: June 13, 2024 - 2:00 PM EDT
Event End Date: June 13, 2024 - 3:00 PM EDT

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National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH)


Join the National Council for Urban Indian Health for a feedback discussion on the NCUIH Vaccine Equity project. This final vax chat will include a brief presentation about the CDC Vaccine Equity program and gather urban Indian perspectives on successes in vaccine equity, barriers to increasing vaccinations, and recommendations for continuing the work. This event will be recorded for internal use and will not be shared publicly. 

Presentation and NCUIH-Led Discussion by:

  • Tiffani Stark, MHA, Public Health Program Manager
  • Myca Grant Hunthrop, MPH, Public Health Project Coordinator


  1. Identify successes of the NCUIH Vaccine Equity program;
  2. Address barriers to vaccine equity; and,
  3. Establish recommendations for future vaccine equity programs.


  • UIO Staff
Topic Areas: