These resources provide data on the status of health and health care for different racial/ethnic groups and information about best practices in demographic and language data collection.
Health and Health Care for Blacks in the United States
This fact sheet from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides statistics from 2015 data on the status of health and health care for Blacks in the United States.
Health and Health Care for American Indians and Alaska Natives
This fact sheet from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides statistics from 2015 data on the status of health and health care for American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States.
Key Facts on Health and Health Care by Race and Ethnicity
This chart pack from the Kaiser Family Foundation provides data on demographics, health access and utilization, health status and outcomes, and health coverage by race and ethnicity.
This mapping tool can be used to help identify various disparities within Medicare beneficiary subgroups to help inform potential policies and interventions.
Sexual and Gender Minority Clearinghouse
This resource provides information and data sources on sexual and gender minority health disparities. This resource provides survey questions centered around sexual identity, attraction, and behavior, as well as data on gender identity and household relationships.
Using CMS Data for Research on Disparities in Health and Health Care
This webcast includes information on how to most effectively and efficiently use CMS data for research on health and health care disparities, including instructions for use of dually eligible beneficiary data.
Compendium of Resources for Standardized Demographic and Language Data Collection
This guide contains various resources on demographic and language data collection strategies and best practices, with a focus on Race, Ethnicity, and Language (REaL) data resources and Disability data resources.