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Topic Summary: Interdisciplinary Team Building, Management, and Communication
This summary provides an overview of utilizing interdisciplinary teams (IDT) to improve the delivery and quality of care for the dually eligible population with disability. Strategies to improve the management and communication within IDTs are also described. Click here
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: June 4, 2019 -
Promising Practices for Meeting the Needs of Dually Eligible Older Adults with Substance Use Disorders
Supporting documents such as webinar slides, transcript, and additional resources are available to download by scrolling to the attachments section below. In 2018, Resources for Integrated Care held the Supporting Older Adults with Substance Use Disorders webinar, which focused on screening
[...]Time to read: 3 Minutes.Date: May 16, 2019 -
Supporting Diverse Family Caregivers: Spotlight on Alzheimer’s Los Angeles
Click here to access the Spotlight on Alzheimer’s Los Angeles For the nearly one in four older adults dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia (ADRD),1 family caregivers provide significant physical, emotional, and financial support.
[...]Time to read: 2 Minutes.Date: April 22, 2019 -
Strengthening Awareness and Positive Regard for Peer Support Staff: Spotlight on Advocates
This provider spotlight features Advocates, a nonprofit organization located in Framingham, Massachusetts that provides comprehensive behavioral health and social services. The spotlight describes Advocates’ approach and strategies used to strengthen awareness and positive regard for peer support staff. Peer support
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 22, 2019 -
Training and Credentialing for Behavioral Health-Focused LTSS: Considerations for Health Plans
Behavioral health long-term services and supports (LTSS) such as health navigation peer support, and developmental therapy assist members by coordinating care and integrating appropriate supports. The services are designed to assist members with mental illness, addiction, and developmental disabilities and
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019 -
Issues HCBS Providers may Negotiate with Health Plans: Key Considerations for Providers
As more states shift to managed long-term services and supports (LTSS) for their Medicaid programs, your organization may need to contract with health plans. Health plans may be accustomed to contracting for institutional-based acute care services but may not have
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019 -
Billing for Services: Key Considerations for Providers
Your organization may be required to change billing practices upon contracting, or entering into an agreement, with a health plan. Submitting a formal medical billing claim form may be a new experience for your organization. Your organization may be used
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019 -
Identifying Community-Based Resources: Key Considerations for Health Plans
Community-based resources may address the needs of members dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid that are sometimes not met through formal relationships with providers. This is particularly relevant for health plans deploying navigation, care coordination, and peer support programs in-house.
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019 -
Contracting with Behavioral Health DSWs: Key Considerations for Health Plans
Behavioral health long-term services and supports (LTSS), such as health navigation, peer support, and developmental therapy, assist members in maintaining independence by coordinating resources and care, serving as mentors and personal models of recovery, and integrating appropriate developmental supports. As
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019 -
Assessing the Capacity of HCBS Providers: Key Considerations for Health Plans
Home and community-based services (HCBS) encompass a broad range of services and supports designed to help older adults and people with disabilities live in their homes and communities rather than in institutional settings. If your health plan operates in states
[...]Time to read: 1 Minutes.Date: April 15, 2019